Pamela Screenshots

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Version information:
November, 03 2009
5.2 – 6.3 MB (depending on version)
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 (32 or 64-bit)
and at least Skype 3.6

Pamela for Skype is

No spyware, adware, malware..  Skype certified

Pamela features

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Screenshots of Pamela for Skype

Below are some screenshots of the Pamela product. There is a lot more like cool Skype video recording and tons of other nice features. Download a copy of Pamela now and give it a try!

Pamela main interface

Updated user interface. Pamela has free local Skype voicemail, call recording and many other cool features.


Skype Voicemail Support

Pamela now fully supports Skype Voicemail. Easy access to the Skype voice mail system from Pamela. Take a copy of a Skype Voicemail to your local PC for archiving.

§Skype Voicemails

Play cool sounds during your calls

Pamela allows you to play sounds during any call. You can create categories and drag and drop audio files into them. Now available in all Pamela versions from free to business!

Emotion Player

Call transfer to groups

If you want to call transfer to multiple people in one group or department, Pamela can do this for you! Just define as many groups as you want to and then add Skype names or phone numbers to the group. As soon as you transfer a call to the group, all phones will ring. First one to pick up gets the call.

Call Transfer Groups

Custom Recording

Need a sound snippet for playback during a call or want to do an interview without Skype? Then use the custom recording function.

Custom Record

Rich Mood Editor

Set an eye catching Skype Mood message with the built in Rich Mood Editor. The editor allows you to use HTML tags to set a cool and flashy mood message.

RichMood Editor

Take Call Notes

When recording calls you might want to take some notes, do this right during the call with the Pamela note taking function.

Call Notes

Search Call Notes

New since version 4.0 is the ability to search your call notes. This is handy if you have got a lot of call recordings and want to search for a particular note!

Search Notes

We have completely reworked the options for easier use.


Download Pamela for Skype now and try it!